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18. Arian. Tall and loving it!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


To infinity and beyond.

Yes, i'm still up at this timing. Should re-adjust my body clock back to sleeping latest at 12 midnight. Caught up with mommy just now and she said my eyes looked bruised. Sigh poor me. Hopefully i can get it changed. So anyway, was also chatting with mom when we were driving our way back from ikea last saturday (p/s: the first time i got so excited about going)... She mentioned about my birthday in a month's time and she said she wants to bring me to a disco. LOL DISCO. In my mind I was thinking "Oh my god, seriously disco? The kind for the adults?" So i asked her, "Which disco?" And she said "Neh..zouk, dragonfly or power hoosue lor" ....... Apparently disco = club but in her generation. Hahahaha laughed at her cute reply. Quite exciting because i've always wanted to try clubbing. Everybody hits a certain age... and then you'll unleash your mojo hoho. Was referring to how far you can play. Sometimes i hate it when my birthday is nearing. Its always the high peak season, fyi school holidays. Wherever i wanna go, like booking a chalet or bbq.. I would have to book it in advance, and then for my case i have to book it super duper early. CHALET ALWAYS FULLY BOOK. Thus giving up the chalet thought, I've never once had a chalet birthday though haha. BBQ nah, did it twice in two years. 2010 and 2011. Got sick of it. Ok so! Plannings still in the midst. Can't wait!

Currently listening to Blue's all rise, fantastic song. DUNCAN JAMES... BI but STILL HOT.

Still bumming around at home.. Not doing anything and all i wanna do all day is shop online. Once i switch on the laptop, i'll straight away go to the pages i always shop online at. And then watch ghost whisperer or running man all day long. No idea why i'm so so so lazy. Dad and mom is worrying a lot about this. Thought about it and then was talking to my cousin last sunday. She gave me some good advices which i really think its best for me and i'm going forward for it. At least for 2 years. Strive hard and at least achieve somethings for myself.

Sorry had to hide my double chin hehehe.
Liking my new fringe too ^^


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